
Compendium is your own, personal collection of information on monsters. As you kill more monsters, you unlock Ranks (up to 3) that give you a better understanding of the monsters you fight through bonuses. Reaching Rank 3 for a monster also gives a Multikill bonus!

Explore the Compendium by clicking it in the lower left-hand corner of your equipment window.


To obtain each rank, the number of kills below must be met for each and they are a running total.

This means to get from Rank 2 from Rank 1, you would need another 300,000 kills, and not another 500,000 kills.

Rank 1 = 200,000 Kills

Rank 2 = 500,000 Kills

Rank 3 = 1,000,000 Kills

The rewards that you gain for reaching each rank can be seen in-game by clicking Character in the bottom menu, then clicking Compendium.