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dungeons [2021/08/26 21:59] – [Unlocking Dungeons] zaalahdungeons [2022/01/06 19:48] (current) zaalah
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   * Dungeons require a certain number of monsters to be killed to be completed.   * Dungeons require a certain number of monsters to be killed to be completed.
   * Completing a dungeon lets you roll once on the dungeon's drop table, and also lowers your number of "available runs".   * Completing a dungeon lets you roll once on the dungeon's drop table, and also lowers your number of "available runs".
-Please see the following section on dungeon [[monsters#dungeon|monsters]] and their potential [[monster_drops#dungeon|loot]]. 
 ==== Unlocking Dungeons ==== ==== Unlocking Dungeons ====