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fight [2021/01/14 12:12] captainjackfight [2021/06/02 10:51] (current) captainjack
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 The current locations are: The current locations are:
-* Wasteland+  * Wasteland
-* Abyss+  * Abyss 
 +  * Maw
 Underneath the locations, you'll see the [[monsters|Monsters]] list. Clicking on a Monster will highlight it in blue, and then show you it's respective stats, drops etc.  Underneath the locations, you'll see the [[monsters|Monsters]] list. Clicking on a Monster will highlight it in blue, and then show you it's respective stats, drops etc. 
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 You can change monsters at any time. You can change monsters at any time.
 +On right hand side, you'll see information about your Last Fight.
 +This is basically just a log of what happened.
 +It'll show you how many monsters you killed (or if you died), how much health you had left (same for the monster) and what you found.
 +The last section shows the log of the fight, so you can see the damange counters between you and the monster that you fought.