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patch_notes [2021/03/04 09:51] captainjackpatch_notes [2021/07/14 08:12] (current) captainjack
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 You'll find a copy of all the patch notes regarding Elethor here. You will see them from latest to oldest. You'll find a copy of all the patch notes regarding Elethor here. You will see them from latest to oldest.
 +=====PATCH 18.4=====
 +Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 at 5:48 PM
 +      * It is now easier to get to Empowerment Lv9 (E9)!
 +  *     It is impossible to get degraded below E6 or E9.
 +  *     E6 and E9 both are now breakpoints. So when you fail (and hit the degrade chance!) on E4 or E5, you will get pushed back to E3. Or if you fail (and hit the degrade chance) on E7 or E8, you will get pushed back to E6.
 +  *     If you fail on E10, you will only go back to E9, but from E11+, if you fail, you will only lose 2 levels at a time. This is unchanged from how the system was before.
 +  *     Added a compendium tracker to the current action bar. This will show the current compendium progress for the monster you are fighting.
 +  *     Compendium now updates every kill. It can possibly get out of sync occasionally, but this is only visual. I am working on a long-term fix for this (and other desync problems). Feel free to ask if you're curious about the tech.
 +  *     If the node you are currently mining dies or runs out, you will get moved to another random node of the same resource. If no nodes are available, you will stop mining.
 +=====PATCH 18.2 RELEASED=====
 +Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at 8:26 PM
 +  * You can now auto-start incursion groups when they are full. This is a checkbox option when creating new groups.
 +  * Massively improved performance for Ranking page. This should prevent future crashes or blank pages on load.
 +  * Fixed all corp event grades showing as an 'F'.
 +  * Corp donation page shows how many items you need to complete the donation if you don't have enough
 + =====PATCH 18.1=====
 +Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021 at 8:26 PM
 +  *     Dungeon Core 8.5 no longer will have a use into Drone. This decision was made so that players won't feel forced to complete dailies and dungeons indefinitely for cores.
 +  *     Corporation inventory now mirrors the layout of your personal inventory.
 +  *     Your VIP benefit now shows more clearly when reinforcing and empowering.
 +  *     Slimmed down the number of toast notifications when mass-reinforcing. It should show only 2 notifications now, one showing how many succeeded, and one showing how many failed.
 +  *     Reduced the duration that a toast notification stays up from 7.5s to 2.5s.
 +  *     Renamed 'Equipment' to 'Character' and separated into its own window. It is designed as a magic toggle, similar to inventory.
 +  *     Removed unnecessary toast notifications, like on equipping / unequipping or leveling corp buffs.
 +  *     Clarified when a user is unable to participate in a corp event with a message explaining why.
 +  *     Event grade now shows on recently completed events in the corp sidebar.
 +  *     You can have multiple quest steps active at the same time.
 +===== PATCH 18 - TIER 8 =====
 +Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 at 4:59 PM
 +T8 has been fully released! Start off in the 'Precipice of the Maw' questline to experience the story and start collecting new gear, equippable at Lv130.
 +  *     New quests! HUGE thanks to Archeron for writing the storyline. Or if you hate it, blame Zaalah.
 +  *     6 new monsters and 2 new dungeons! Dungeons are unlocked via the new questline.
 +  *     2 new daily quests! These give dungeon runs, which are your primary method for obtaining T8 gear.
 +  *     New gear! All existing equipment pieces except Augments.
 +  *     Due to the change in how T8 gear will be obtained, the new equipment will not shuffle +/- 3 stats. What you see in the crafting screen is what you get.
 +  *     New incursion: Wretched Brood.
 +  *     Brand new T8 crafting items, known as Reactor Cores. The quest will tell you more about them!
 +  *     Used to craft T8 gear.
 +  *     Obtained via dungeons.
 +  *     Come in 5 "tiers" of power, from 8.1 to 8.5. Dungeons only drop Core 8.1, but you can craft up to Core 8.5. Higher-tier cores are used to craft more powerful equipment, so the rifle and sidearm will take 8.5 cores.
 +  *     Will also be useful for upgrading the Drone, the next content patch. So prepare (and hoard) accordingly!
 +  *     The VIP delay bug where it takes a while for VIP effects to kick in after you extend your VIP.
 +  *     Choosing 'Buy' option for market on mobile is now less buggy.
 +  *     Inputs that need a number now show the number pad on mobile instead of the full keyboard.
 +  *     Injection effects "duplicating" instead of stacking. This does not affect your existing effects, so to clean out your existing list of effects, just let them all tick down first.
 +  *     Drone!
 +  *     Possibly another corp event. I had an idea for one and it kinda felt... flat. I'd rather wait and release fun / engaging corp events than filler ones that soak up time.
 +=====PATCH 17 RELEASED =====
 +Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 at 9:00 PM
 +**Recent Bugfixes**
 +      * Fixed a bug where your damage energizements would be multiplied against your compendium damage rather than being added. This will result in a small decrease in damage if you have enough compendium TR to have %damage.
 +  *     Fixed not being able to remove your listings from the main market view.
 +  *     Fixed dungeons not updating when completing a quest that gives dungeon runs or unlocks a new dungeon.
 +  *     Fixed nodes with <0 ore still showing before the server removes them.
 +  *     Fixed corp permissions not reloading after saving permissions.
 +  *     Fixed players sometimes falling off the Compendium ranking list.
 +  *     Possibly fixed the bug where daily / weekly actions were calculated incorrectly.
 +  *     Hide the list of names when searching players to send items to. This will help prevent sending items to the wrong player.
 +  *     Non-kill rankings now select the top 300 players. Kill rankings select all players with >100k kills.
 +  *     You will now be locked out for 25 hours when leaving a corp or being kicked from a corp.
 +For the next patch you can expect:
 +  *     1-2 more corp events.
 +  *     The beginnings of T8 gear (not the full tier released)
 +===== PATCH 17 - CORP EVENTS=====
 +Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 at 7:37 PM
 +**Corporation Events**
 +The people have spoken and Corp Events are the first feature to be introduced to Elethor after a poll!
 +  *     Corp Events are run on a schedule. This is visible on your corporation page from the top nav bar.
 +  *     If you join a corporation after an event has started, you may not participate in that event.
 +  *     If you leave a corporation during an event, your score and points are removed and you will get no rewards from that event.
 +  *     Leaving a corporation locks you out of joining any other corporation for 72 hours.
 +The first event to be added is Charitable Giving, a weekly event that starts on Thursdays and ends on Saturdays. Donate items with your corp-mates to a good cause and get points in return! Getting more points gives you more Fame exp, and getting a high average across your whole corp gives everyone more Fame exp.
 +As you complete Corp Events, you get Fame exp. Fame is another skill that you train, similar to Combat or Mining. As you level up your Fame, you gain points that your Corp can spend on Corp-wide buffs.
 +**Corporation Buffs**
 +You can access this page in-game by opening your Corp window, then clicking the Buffs tab.
 +  *     With the proper permissions, players are able to assign the corp's Fame points and respec.
 +  *     Your Fame level (and Fame points) are tied directly to you. The total Fame of all players in the Corp is pooled to create points usable by the Corp for boosts. If you leave a Corp, you take your Fame, and by extension, your points with you. When you join a new Corp, your Fame will contribute to their total and number of points.
 +  *     Buffs are corp-wide boosts that are applied equally to everyone in the corp.
 +  *     Buffs give a boost to various parts of the game with diminishing return. For example, the first 30 points into True Damage buff will be about 3x as effective as the last 30 points into the buff.
 +  *     Some buffs require other buffs to be leveled up.
 +  *     The requirements are for each point of the buff. For example, to put 1 level into Reflect, you need 5 levels in Colossus. To put 1 point in Colossus, you need 2 points in True Damage. So 1 point in Reflect takes 10 levels in True Damage, 5 levels in Colossus, and then 1 level in Reflect.
 +  *     When a player leaves a corp or is kicked, and if you have spent more Fame points than you now currently have, you have 24 hours to respec your buffs before they are auto-respecc'd for you. This is identified by the Corp icon in the top nav turning red, as well as the Buffs navigation item turning red.
 +**Injection Changes**
 +Injections now require an Empty Injection to be crafted. Empty Injections are only dropped via incursions.
 +  *     All existing craftable injections will have their duration multiplied by 4 to compensate for the increased crafting cost.
 +  *     Injection drop rate through incursions has been increased. This will be closely monitored and more injections will be added to the drop tables if it is too low.
 +  *     New Juggernaut injection increases your max health by 10% per level.
 +  *     New Hellfire injection increases your max multikill by +5 per level.
 +  *     Lv3 Brutality, Lv4 Bonus Exp, and Lv5 Midas Touch added.
 +**VIP Boosts**
 +  *     All VIP players get +15% actions when refreshing.
 +  *     All packages now have VIP days that you get simply for purchasing the pack!
 +  *     Skasix nodes now have a 15-32 hour lifespan and have between 1m-1.8m ore per node. This will take effect once nodes start regenerating.
 +  *     Max reward tier per incursion is now at 20 instead of 10.
 +  *     2 new tiers of incursions have been added, Great Stampede (Lv5) and Infinite Reach (Lv6).
 +  *     Redeeming Coin cost now scales such that for the 4 newest tiers, the cost will always be 2 coins, while other items are 1 coin. This means when a new tier is added, the scale automatically moves.
 +  *     Tutorials for brand new players (Learn to Play on the home page) as well as for the market and the Charitable Giving event.
 +  *     Filtering by gear tier in the market now shows the exact tier instead of tiers equal to or greater than.
 +  *     Banned players will no longer show up in search results anywhere (sending items, inviting to corp, etc).
 +===== PATCH 16=====
 +Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 at 5:19 PM
 +**Energizement Locking**
 +You can now lock energizement lines while rerolling! Simply click the "lock" icon next to the line you wish to keep and roll away!
 +  *     Locking 1 line will increase the cost to 10 shards/roll.
 +  *     Locking 2 lines will increase the cost to 40 shards/roll.
 +Polls are a way for VIP players to make their opinion known on features that should or shouldn't be added to the game, as well as other things. Any player can see the results of closed polls by viewing the polls screen from the home page.
 +Polls will be used to focus development. The supermajority (tbd) of votes will determine specifics of features. This will be a good check to determine if I am on the right track with features and assuring that high-quality features are added to the game that players really want.
 +**Mining Laser**
 +  *     Increased Purity/lvl from 0.2%->0.5%.
 +  *     Increased the %Ore/lvl from 0.4%->1%.
 +**New Masteries**
 +  *     Waste Not increases base gold per monster kill.
 +  *     Depth Mining gives more ore yield per gather, regardless of what you're mining.
 +  *     Prevail gives you a chance to not reduce your remaining actions.
 +  *     Easily see how many resources you still need while in the crafting window.
 +  *     See online activity of other players in a corporation.
 +  *     'Set Max' button when crafting a recipe.
 +  *     Clicking the quantity in the 'Inventory' box or a listing will update the 'New Listing' quantity.
 +  *     Clicking the price for a listing in the listing view will update the 'New Listing' price.
 +  *     Clicking an item name in 'My Listings' in the market will take you to that item's market page.
 + =====  MINING LASER PATCH  =====
 +Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 3:14 PM
 +Invest in the brand new mining laser to increase your ore output! To start, click the laser icon in your equipment window.
 +Hate reading patch notes? Use the in-game tutorial! Click your mining laser in your equipment, then click the ? symbol in the top-right of the screen for a step-by-step walkthrough.
 +  *     The laser has "lines". These are equippable boosts that are specific to an ore.
 +  *     There are currently 5 unique boosts per ore, for a total of 30 choices.
 +  *     The number of lines you can equip at a time is equal to your mining level / 20, rounded down. So if your level is 67, you can equip 3 boosts.
 +  *     Each boost is leveled up individually. The max level of a boost is the same as your mining level.
 +  *     Boosts first need to be purchased to be leveled up and equipped. There is no need to purchase a boost you have no interest in using.
 +  *     You may swap out boosts at any time by unequipping one and equipping another.
 +  *     To see the details of each boost, hover the [?] for an explanation.
 +  *     Orthoclase boosts are much cheaper than Skasix boosts, both to unlock as well as level up.
 +  *     Added a 'Lookup' menu item in the upper-right dropdown menu. Search for players or corporations and click to view their profiles.
 +  *     You can change your username for 5 credits!
 + ===== ATTACK SPEED REWORK  =====
 +Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 at 1:53 AM
 +Attack speed rework is now live. Most monsters should be good, but T7 monsters may need another nerf.
 +  * Attack speed formula updated to be **50 - (50 * speed / (speed + 400))**
 +  * All monsters have Fortitude reduced by 30%.
 +  * All monsters have Savagery reduced by 50%.
 +  * Boosted drop tables of T7 monsters.
 +Friday, March 5th, 2021 at 9:10 PM
 +What a week! It would be an understatement to say the latest Empowerment patch has been controversial. I do my best to think through the implications of patches before they are released, but it's apparent that using my brain is not always sufficient. There are several things that have been brought to light with this latest patch, and I felt it fair to address them here.
 +The core problems of Empowerment are 1) ore, and 2) attack speed gains.
 +**1. Mining Laser**
 +The next patch will introduce a new item, the Mining Laser. The purpose of the mining laser is to increase your ore gain by increasing the base ore gain, purity, and density of the node you're gathering from. The mining laser will take gold to upgrade.
 +The purpose of the Mining Laser is to increase the number of ores in the game. One of the problems with Empowerment is the amount of ore needed to attempt an empowerment. This has increased the price of ores to the point that many players feel it's unnattainable for them to empower their gear without gathering all the ore themselves.
 +**2. Attack Speed Rebalance**
 +Each point of Speed a player gets is more effective than the previous point. No other stat in the game works this way. This is a scaling problem that was only made worse by Empowerment giving +10 speed on all items.
 +As an example, moving from 50->49 attack speed is a 2% increase in overall damage (on average). However, moving from 5->4 attack speed is a 20% increase in damage, and moving from 2->1 is a 100% increase in damage.
 +The attack speed formula will be rebalanced so that the scaling works similar to other stats in the game, while also letting players who empowered keep a benefit. That benefit, however, may look like a 50% increase in damage than other players (still sizeable!), rather than the 8-10x increase it is now.
 +I'll give more information on this as more information is available.
 +**3. Balance Team**
 +Being able to run patch ideas past a team of players who are heavily invested in the game can be invaluable. While obviously the end result is ultimately up to me (and I get to live with the end results), a lot of you have very good insight into how to properly balance a game. Insight that I am lacking.
 +The purpose of the Balance team will be to have healthy discussion around new game ideas and present good solutions to implementations of those ideas.
 +This will be a closed group with some rules:
 +  - Disagree agreeably. Lots of ideas, lots of brainstorming, lots of input. But no name-calling, no putting others down.
 +  - No insider trading. If you are part of the team, future ideas will be presented, complete with costs, numbers, scaling, etc. Any members are found abusing this knowledge, the punishment is a ban.
 +  - Keep it closed. Don't share this knowledge with other players.
 +If you feel you'd be a good fit for this team, or are interested, reach out to me! I'm looking for a small, solid group of players who can bounce ideas around.
 +**4. Mod Team**
 +A moderation team will help give me time to focus on code while they handle more community aspects. Answering questions for players, helping new players, and also handling players who are more troublesome. Not to say I won't still be hands-on, but I'll feel less pressure to constantly monitor Discord and in-game chat and will give me more time to focus on developing new features.
 +If you're interested in joining such a team, please reach out to @CaptainJack. They will be heading up the moderation team. Captain Jack has contributed heavily to make the wiki what it is, and has already invested a lot in helping players new to the game.
 +I know this is a lot, but hopefully it addresses several of the problems floating around and at least helps you know that I'm aware of them and am working towards solutions.
 +Any feedback or thoughts on this at all would be more than appreciated!
 +Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 at 6:38 PM
Line 10: Line 297:
 1. 10 Savagery 1. 10 Savagery
 2. 10 Fortitude  2. 10 Fortitude 
 3. 5 Pierce 3. 5 Pierce
 4. 5 Armor 4. 5 Armor
 5. 20 Savagery 5. 20 Savagery
 6. 20 Fortitude  6. 20 Fortitude 
 7. 10 Pierce 7. 10 Pierce
 8. 10 Armor 8. 10 Armor
 9. 10 Speed 9. 10 Speed
 10. +1% All Stat 10. +1% All Stat